
A Message From Andrew


As I travel across the State, I am sometimes asked for my views on the law. As a judge, I take seriously my oath to not pre-judge any case. But I do want you to know what I believe about the role of a judge.

I believe good judges serve with one goal: uphold the rule of law. The rule of law is the simple but powerful idea that we are all bound by the laws that our elected representatives have passed. Without the rule of law, our rights and liberties would be meaningless.

How do I uphold the rule of law? First, I approach every case with an open mind and apart from personal opinion. Personal preferences of individual judges should never affect how we interpret and apply our laws.

Second, I apply the law as written. The words that our elected representatives have passed is the law that governs us. However well-meaning, judges who apply what the law should be rather than what it says undermine our democratic process.

Finally, I treat every single person who comes before our Court fairly and with dignity and respect. There is no room for special treatment when we all have equal rights under the law.

In each of these ways, you can count on me to work tirelessly to uphold the rule of law as a Justice on our Supreme Court: for people who are hurt or mistreated, for businesses who depend on a stable legal landscape, and for a criminal justice system that protects our rights and liberties while keeping us safe.
